Albanese & Lutzke offer a wide range of professional services to our clients, from the full fledged design and construction management of large scale golf facilities to consulting on an hourly basis. No matter how big or how small the scope of work, the client will always receive the highest quality service.
The following is a basic list of services offered by Albanese & Lutzke. We are able to tailor our services to fit the needs of all our clients.

We understand all facets of the golf construction process and how to ensure a project fulfills the vision of the architect, while making sure the project is delivered on time and within budget.
SITE SELECTION: Picking the correct site is critical to the success of a golf project. We will work with the client in this selection process.
CONCEPT PLANS: Quick and rough sketches that enable clients to gain a general idea of the potential for the property. Sometimes called a “fit” plan, these drawings provide the client with an idea of the potential yield of the property, including residential and commercial areas.
SITE SURVEY AND ANALYSIS: Gathering the necessary base information regarding the site critical to creating a basis for an outstanding, memorable and sustainable design; this information is the basis and foundation for the future phases of work.
SCHEMATIC LAND USE PLANNING: The key word during this phase is “iteration”. We spend many days creating multiple options to review with the client. Knowing there is only one chance to build a course that should last a lifetime, we understand the importance of getting this part of the process correct.
MASTER PLAN: The Master Plan is a culmination of the Inventory and Analysis. Concept Plans and Schematic Land Use Plans and provides the foundation for the vision and evolution of the project toward being built.
PERMITTING: The Albanese & Lutzke team will assist the client throughout the permitting process, which depending on the jurisdiction, may be relatively simple or complex.
DESIGN DEVELOPMENT: Detailed design of each hole and the associated amenities, including the bunker style and form, green shapes and slopes, and how each hole will play strategically and appear aesthetically.
CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS: Drawings that make the project constructible. The following are typical drawings included: Site Plan, Clearing Plan, Layout Plan, Grading Plan, Greens Plans, Drainage Plans, Irrigation and Pump House Plans, Grassing Plans, Circulation Plans, Golf Course Details.
SPECIFICATIONS: These written documents will clearly specify which products are to be utilized on the project, and the procedures to be used to ensure the highest quality project;
BIDDING AND CONTRACT ASSISTANCE: Albanese & Lutzke will represent the Client in negotiating specific portions of the project that require specialized contractors and subcontractors.
EXISTING COURSE ANALYSIS: Thoroughly reviewing and analyzing the existing golf course by playing and photographing each hole, playing the course multiple times, and researching the history.
HISTORICAL ANALYSIS: Many golf courses are deserving of understanding their historical significance, and how this can inform the remodeling of the facility; the designers and principals at Albanese & Lutzke are all students of the history of golf course architecture, and we have worked on many courses from the early days of golf course design, including by renowned architects Donald Ross, Wilfred Reid, Walter Travis and others from the Golden Age.
PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL DESIGN: Initial development of concepts and ideas for how to improve the golf course as a whole, and for each golf hole individually; we will meet as many times as necessary with the committee, board and different factions to ensure all ideas and concepts are explored. This is the heart of the remodeling design process.
REMODELING MASTER PLAN: A culmination of the previous tasks will culminate in the creation of a comprehensive Remodeling Master Plan which will function as the “road map” for the continued evolution of the golf course. This Master Plan tool, if correctly created and utilized, will ensure that all investments made toward to the golf course asset will have the most value.
COST ESTIMATE AND CONSTRUCTION PHASING: Included with the Master Plan is a comprehensive cost estimate and construction phasing estimate showing all the different combination of potential projects, along with the presumed costs and schedules for completing the work via contractor, in-house, or a combination of methods.
DESIGN CONSULTATION: We are available to consult on specific projects for clients that may simply need advice on certain area of their golf course. We will define a scope of work needed, and are able to work on an hourly basis.
FULL TIME CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT: We are able to provide our Clients with a full time, on-site construction manager to ensure the construction of a given project is completed on within the agreed upon time frame and budget. The Construction Manager will be represent the Owner’s best interest in the project, and ensure any sub-contractors are performing their tasks according to the plans and specifications.
PART TIME CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT: Albanese & Lutzke may also provide construction management services without having a full-time manager on site. We would manage the necessary parties needed to complete the construction and visit the project site approximately once per week.
SHAPING: Shapers are the key to a successful golf course project. They are true artists, and we are able to provide our Owners with highly qualified and skilled shapers to create the forms envisioned by the design team.
BROWNFIELD ASSESSMENT: Albanese & Lutzke have created many golf projects on Brownfield sites, and our expertise in this area has proven valuable. We can provide clients with an assessment as to whether their brownfield project has the potential to become a successful golf development.
GRAPHICS: We are able to provide Clients with all of their graphic design needs, from corporate identity, yardage books, logos and marketing brochures. Our staff is well versed in all of the cutting edge computer software needed to produce dynamic and eye catching graphics.
GOLF COURSE PHOTOGRAPHY: Photographing a golf course is not a documentation process, but an artistic one. Just as we are able to create golf holes that are aesthetically pleasing to the golfer, we are also able to develop photographs and images that capture the essence of the golf course. These photographs are for use with the Owner’s marketing materials and in the golf world: “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Rounds”
COST SEGREGATION REPORTS: Relatively new taxation laws have enabled golf course Owners an opportunity to depreciate assets that were at one time not depreciable. We are able to provide a certified report that would be included in the tax return and submissions to the IRS.
EXPERT WITNESS: We have experience with, and are able to provide clients with expert witness testimony in connection with lawsuits relating to golf matters. This work is performed on a hourly basis.